HOF24 Corporate Ashigaru Support
15mm Scale
10 Miniatures. This pack contains ten metal 15mm miniatures human males dressed in cyberpunk neo-japanese armour taken from the following poses from left to right in the image. Trooper with shoulder held missile launcher, Trooper with heavy energy weapon, Trooper with mini-gun. Every pose is in the pack in fairly equal amounts. Alongside HOF76 and HOF23 this pack is your 'up gunning support' for your Corporate Ashigaru squads. Useful with any near future force or Cyberpunk setting plus our own UM011 USE ME Cyberpunk wargame rules. There are other codes of Corporate Ashigaru including HOF22, HOF23,HOF76 and HOF25 allowing a whole varied force to be built.
Choose from a pack of miniatures or select parts of the pack. Components of the pack are described in the drop down menu.
All miniatures are supplied unpainted and without bases.