Von Rotte Legion
Swearing an oath of fealty to the Elvish Emperor Mordred the Baron Von Rotte was given command not only of his own soldiers but also some of those belonging to the Emperor in his wars against Krautia and Ostaria. A veteran in the truest sense the Baron has been at war since the Darke Age and is a master of battle. Atop his pummilig pig ‘Bristle’ he serves up the mead of victory to Mordred. The Dwarf legions of the Red Baron are among the most experienced troops in Urop and it shows. Rushed from region to region, the regiments of foot along with the famous grenadiers and the cavalry take on foes that lesser troops would shy away from. The legions are an all arms force which also includes artillery.
Army of The Von Rotte Legion
A five page booklet containing background for the most famous fighter on Valon and allies of the Emperor Mordred of the Ferach. Flintloque and Slaughterloo rules and game statistics as well as information on the Bier Wars plus pictures. A great short read which will slot right into your collection of published titles such as 5028 Bier and Bones and 5030 Slaughterloo. CLICK HERE to get the PDF from our online storage.
Part of the Ferach Empire. You can learn more about this nation and its troops with their rules for game play and uniforms and formations in the following titles: 5028 Bier and Bones, 5027 Grapeshotte and 5030 Slaughterloo. Your miniatures will work for all Valon game systems.
Visit the Slaughterloo Game System page for all the Divisional Army Packs (DAP) which give you an entire army for that mass battle Valon game with a saving on average 15% versus single miniature purchase.
You have the choice of purchasing many of these 28mm scale metal miniature codes as packs (for Flintloque Sections) or with many codes purchase as a whole unit (for Slaughterloo) or even just single or a few miniatures from the code if you want to increase or sample that code. Savings are applied to each level of purchase; the more you buy of a code the more you save. Price shown on this page is lowest for each code. You can also click on the top right box to get a drop down list on this page to narrow your search here just to Infantry or Cavalry or Command, Box Sets, Specials or such. Unless otherwise stated all of our miniatures are made of metal.
Pro-Painted Miniatures: Alternative Armies paints and bases many thousands of miniatures each year. Most of these are sold directly to customers or listed on our Painted Miniatures pages on the website. However we do offer a quotation to price on every range and miniature which we make. If you see something you would like to ask us to quote upon then send an email to sales@alternative-armies.com listing your name and tell you a price for tabletop standard and sculpted basing effect. We offer good quality for a good price. Ask away!
LE042 Frederick Von Rotte £10.00
52521 Von Rotte Light Troops from £2.75
52015 Von Rotte Casualties £8.00
52016 Pummilig Pig Casualties £10.00
52520 Von Rotte Hussars from £6.00
52519 Von Rotte Cuirassiers from £6.00
52518 Von Rotte Artillery Crew from £2.75
52517 Von Rotte Command from £2.75
52514 Von Rotte Line from £2.50
52018 Von Rotte Line Command £8.00
52019 Von Rotte Line Troopers £7.50
52503 Von Rotte Grenadiers from £2.75
52017 Dwarf Camp Followers from £2.75
59520 Mortar Set (Save 10%)
£10.00£9.00 SALE -
52014 Heinz DerMead £2.75
BS20 Flintloque Guns from £0.75
56596S Mountain Gun £3.50
59539 Closed Wedge Tent (Pack of Two) £6.00
59540 Bell Tent £8.00
59542 Wayside Shrine £9.00
59541 Bread Oven £27.50