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Warbot III free in all orders until 24th April 2025 plus news of coming Spring Mega Event read more in this article.
Please remember to check the intended playing scale of the code you click on. The product will state in its text if it is for 15mm scale, 6mm scale or 28mm scale. Also if it suits more than one scale.
AS031 Warbot III (Any Scale Use) - Free auto in orders until 24th April 2025 £10.00
FM94 Demigod Sorcerer (35mm tall) £5.00
FM96 Vampire Bat (20mm length) £2.00
VI01 Viking Warrior £2.00
DH19 Baggage Turtle with Gnome Rider (50mm long) (Pack or Parts) from £2.00
IB96 Grima Gun Team (Two Pack with Saving) £4.95
FM24v2 The Silent Shambler (37mm tall) £5.50
NO2 Norman Infantry (Pack of Five or Singles) from £1.75
NO1 Norman Officer £1.75
NO3 Spear Sprue (5 Weapons) £1.75
NO4 Kite Shield (5) £1.75
NOU01 Norman Quilted Infantry Unit (20 with saving)
£49.00£46.50 SALE -
EH09 Flower of Evil III (Monster Plant suitable for all scales) - Save 20%
£4.00£3.20 SALE -
VNT63 Skeleton Crossbows (Value Pack with Saving) £12.00
VNT64 Skeleton Warriors II (Value Pack with Saving) £12.00
VNT62 Three Wise Skeletons (Value Pack) (Save 20%)
£6.00£4.80 SALE -
VNT19 Ogre Cavalry £8.00
55523U Moskova Militia £63.00
55028 Moskova Volunteer Muskets from £2.00
55029 Moskova Volunteer Melee from £2.00
55030 Moskova Volunteer Command from £2.00
55031 Moskova Volunteer Colour Party from £2.00
55032 Moskova Volunteer Pikes from £2.00
VNT57 Summoned Skeletons (open handed) (Pack or Singles) from £2.50
VNT58 Summoned Armoured Skeletons (open handed) (Pack or Singles) from £2.50
VNT51 Undead Weapon Sprues (10 Pieces) (Set or Singles) from £0.40
VNT59 Undead Shields (5 Pieces) (Set or Singles) from £0.40
IP07 Malig Predatis Ordos with two miniatures included free £35.75
IB88 Malig Rifles ( Five Pack with Saving) £13.00
IB89 Malig Assaulters ( Five Pack with Saving) £13.00
IB90 Malig Support Weapons ( Five Pack with Saving) £13.00
IAF184 Burgeon Bike (Ventus Model 207 Steed) from £0.60
FM27v2 Half Troll Chieftain (35mm tall) £5.00
FM65 Flying Reptile with Wraith Rider (Kit or Parts) 80mm total length from £2.00
HOT155 Savage Lizardmen Beastmaster from £0.60
HOT156 Savage Lizardmen Command from £3.00
HOT157 Savage Lizardmen Elders from £1.80
HOT158 Savage Lizardmen Mounted Elders from £6.00
HOTT1024 Savage Lizardman Army £45.00
VNT8 Grizzly Owls
£6.00£5.40 SALE -
BR043 Carver Scout Car (Pack of Four or Single) from £2.50
ORP03 Orc War Tribe (OR1 to OR40 plus ORG1 to ORG3) with Big Saving
£140.00£125.00 SALE -
IP08 Grima Robot Rifle Platoon with two miniatures included free £38.50
IB92 Grima Rifle Squad (Four Miniatures with Saving) £10.45
IB93 Grima Rifle Squad II (Four Miniatures with Saving) £10.45
IB94 Grima Close Assault Squad (Four Miniatures with Saving) £10.45
IB95 Planetary Militia Female Grima Control Squad (Four Miniatures with Saving) £10.45
SN12 Scary Pumpkin Men (Pack or Single Miniatures) from £2.50
VNT50 Giant Skeleton (80mm tall comes with VNT49 set free) £27.50
VNT52 Wee Beasties (Three Pack or Singles) - Save 20%
£0.45£0.35 SALE