BR1509A Carver Scout Car

Alternative Armies

SKU: br1509a

15mm Scale 

The six wheeled Carver provides mobile armour for infantry formations.  Tough and dependable it comes in two primary variants the more common turret and the 'stug' variant which gives up internal space for a heavier weapon.

This pack contains one 15mm scale kit in high quality resin and metal with all parts required to build one Carver Scout Car.  Supplied is the main hull, six wheel piece, turret, main gun and secondary weapon. Assembly is required of low complexity.  

When assembled this vehicle is 60mm long, 30mm wide and about 30mm tall.

All miniatures are supplied unpainted and without bases. Painted examples and shown for scale and interest only; not supplied.

Miniatures manufactured and sold in agreement with Bradley Miniatures.