VNT52 Wee Beasties (Three Pack or Singles) - Save 20%

Alternative Armies

£1.80 £2.25
SKU: vnt52

Use in Any Scale

“What are ‘Wee Beasties’?  It is a Scottish term usually applied to any tiny or small insect, critter, mammal which bits or scratches and for which the real name is not readily to hand.”

This code contains three different any scale metal miniatures which are creatures of the same armour plated species.  An ‘adult’ a ‘juvenile’ and an ‘infant’.  Use them in your fantasy or science fiction games in 28mm, 15mm or 6mm scale.   Shown on 25mm round resin bases they are 27mm long, 13mm long and 7mm long respectively.

Choose from the three pack or singles in any amount on this page.

See other pictures for scale comparisons to other miniatures (not included).