15mm Renaissance Altuos range - Items tagged as "Dungeon scenics"
Welcome to the ALTUOS 15mm Renaissance miniatures section. This part of the range spans the 15th to 16th century. The miniatures in the range are from Alternative Armies and also formally of Table Top Miniatures with new poses added from 2018 onwards. We have the Furioso rules system by Steve Danes, with saver army packs, plus our 15mm Buildings, Walls, Tents, Scenics and period personalities including Da Vinci and his Tank.
Get yourself a copy in print or as digital download of our Furioso Wargame Rules for the sixteenth century and the expansion The Italian Wars. Written by Steve Danes you can read an article about the rules written by the author on our blog HERE. Files for the game on our Free Downloads page HERE. Read about the Mega Bundle and the free beginners scenario on our blog HERE. An article about the new expansion book is HERE. Furioso Alfresco in Devon go HERE for a first playing account. Review of Furioso in Wargames, Soldier, Strategy magazine No97 see our account HERE. Free QRS (Quick Reference Sheet) on our BLOG by Tony Cane. Ottoman Empire playtest army sheet download HERE.
Furioso - Additional Game Rules
Hosted on our website you can download by CLICKING HERE a one page PDF which has game rules for adding the legendary man of science as well as the light gun known as a Handbushen to your games. Written by Steve Danes.
Video play through of Furioso the Italian Wars kindly linked from the Yarkshire Gamers blog onto our own for your viewing. Renaissance wargaming with or without the fantastical inventions of Da Vinci. Playable in 15mm and 28mm scale with your armies. They go into some depth which is great. Original links to the articles are also included. Go HERE.
A look at War Game Scenarios the Italian Wars by Rodolpho Verginella! Photos of pages and what is in the book. How it links to Furioso wargame rules. Click on the pictures to make them much larger. Links in the article. Thank you.
Codes are group together by time period (15th and16th Century) infantry and cavalry then artillery. Miniatures are sold as singles or as small sets such as artillery crews. The Ottoman Turkish miniatures are in the 17th Century Renaissance part of the range.
HOT60 Bastion Walls now in resin 40mm frontage - 480mm frontage per pack £7.00
HOT59 Stone Wall now in resin 40mm frontage - 480mm frontage per pack £7.00
HOT56 Wooden Palisades now in resin 40mm Frontage - 480mm Frontage per pack £7.00
HOT57 Wooden Stakes now in resin 40mm Frontage - 480mm Frontage per pack £7.00
HOT58 Townsfolks Possessions now in resin 40mm Frontage - 480mm Frontage per pack £7.00
HOTW01 Walls Bundle - All Five HOT Walls Packs - One Pack is Free 2400mm frontage! £28.00
HOT111 Dem Bones 15mm Fantasy Scenics (Save 20% on the Pack)
£6.00£0.45 SALE